Thursday, January 14, 2016

Eight more dragonflies - last of the paint experiments

I was a busy painter today.  I did the last 2 sets of paints on 4 different fabrics for 8 dragonflies in all. The left dragonfly on each fabric was painted with my marbling paints.  They turned out to be too thin so I ended up using Jacquard extender with a few drops of the intense colors mixed in.  This gave me a nice transparent color and allows me to use my marbling paints in multiple ways.  The right hand dragonfly is painted with the Jacquard Neopaque which is also usable for silkscreening.  Here's the dragonflies on white fabric so you can see what the colors look like in their pure form.

The opaque paints turned out to be difficult to use with the small spaces in the dragonflies so I didn't do the body of the dragonfly on any of the fabrics.

I actually painted on the two silk fabrics first.  The purplish fabric was first and the blob at the end of the dragonfly tail on the left is from trying the marbling paint without the extender to thicken it.  It just spread like mad which is why I immediately added in the extender.

These 2 fabrics were to see if the paints were significantly different on silk, one dark all over, one with lighter color.  It turned out the silk was a tiny bit different in how the paint flowed on it but not enough of a difference to change whether a paint type was usable or not.  And the blobs of blue around the right hand dragonfly are what happens when you make multiple images with one screen without checking the bottom to see if any paint transfers.  This would be a problem if I were doing something other than experimenting.

And last we have the dark cotton which shows why I need the opaque paints.  (Left one is transparent, right one is opaque.)

Thus ends my experiments with paint types.  I have now reduced my paints from 6 different types/brands with 4 different mediums to just two paints and 2 different mediums.

Next up, dye painting with soy wax resist and refining the fire breathing dragon.  This means tomorrow is most likely a day of mixing dyes and working on the dragon.

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