Saturday, September 7, 2019

Resin play or learning to fail better

I started  using resin to finish prints of my fabric pieces because it gives a nice shiny finish without the cost and fuss of matting and framing.  But once I had the resin, I started thinking of other things I could do with it.  And ways to do really teeny little prints.  Like in a pendant.  So my resin adventure is moving along and here's the latest attempt at both prints and jewelry.

The prints had some minor problems but both are fixable with some small effort and I learned some important things about brushing resin and being sure the surface is level when pouring it.  So failing better than I did with the first piece which was a non fixable failure.  I'll have to do some rough sanding and pour another layer of resin but I expect both of these will be good enough to sell.

I learned some other things about doing the jewelry.  The moon pendants (altho they look like a pair of earrings when they're next to each other like that, don't they?) had some very minor things to be finished with some sandpaper so I consider them successes at this point.  The pendant with the print was an epic fail as the resin leaked out all over the place even though I used the same tape on the back as I did the moon on the left.  I did the top of the tape below the loop at the top, however, and this was apparently a fatal error.  And the attempt to use one of the stamps I don't use was also an epic fail.  So, on the small pieces, 50% fail rate.  I'm sure that will improve quickly with practice which is what I'll be doing this week.

One of the best things I did this week was find the Resin Obsession website.  The blog posts are just full of tutorials and ideas which is where the stamp idea came from.  I'll be trying out a couple of ideas this next week using transparencies and mixing in colors.  Fun times ahead!

Side note, I did 12 hours in my studio this week which is the first time I've gone over 10 hours since the CFS hit.  I think the combo of the supplements and the new work space is working well for me and I look forward to feeling productive again. 

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