Friday, July 21, 2023

Online Art Portfolio at

 After a year off to focus on healing (more about that in a future post), I am feeling good enough to be social.  And that includes blogging.  And showing people my art. 

Gaia’s Dance, 2009
Quilted textile collage

I’ve combined the two by putting my art into pages here on my blog.  I have 4 pages:  Abstract, Dancers, Nature, and Historical.  Abstract is mostly spirals but will include colorful poured paintings in the future.  Dancers and Nature are what they say and Historical is everything that is owned by someone else at this point plus the things that I do not intend to sell.  Ever.   Everything in Abstract, Dancers & Nature is available to buy if you are so inclined.  Until I get an online store up and running, this means drop me an email or comment on the blog post and we’ll work something out.

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