Sunday, March 15, 2020

Birding accomodations for CFS/ME

Jeff and I are heading off to Blaine for a week, roughly 35 miles away and we'll be cocooning in a condo near a fabulous birding spot.  Lots of reading, videos and takeout food in our future.  But to make it easier for me to go the whole 1.6 mile roundtrip distance at Semiahmoo Spit, I have some accommodations I'll be trying out.

Here's everything but the electric scooter. 

A folding, adjustable stool so I can sit instead of standing when we pause the walking to look at birds.  Standing causes more fatigue than walking or sitting so I want to avoid it as much as possible.  A walking stick to help reduce the fatigue.  And because I love multitaskers, the stick has had a bit of hardware added to the top so I can mount my new monoscope on it.  The scope comes with a phone camera attachment to allow digiscoping and the complete setup is smaller and much lighter than a full scope with tripod.  Here's hoping it works.

The stool is super easy to fold and collapse and comes with an attached strap for either hand or shoulder carry.  The claim is it can support up to 330 lbs so it should be very stable and easy to use.  Here's the shot of it at full extension.

We're looking forward to a week of no news reports, lots of birding and enjoyable reading and movie watching.  Here's hoping you're doing the same!

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