Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Testing new mandala stencils

This last week got thoroughly eaten by the garage sale which went fairly well, with a steady stream of customers, altho I wish more stuff had gone away.  *sigh*

So I'm taking it a little easy and spent time yesterday trying out some new mandala stencils.  I'm not happy with the motif in the upper left of this dancer piece and I'm searching for a replacement. To be honest, I'm not happy with several things, but the incoming energy ball is my starting point.

These mandalas came in a set of 35 stencils and are 5x5inches.  I do my tryouts in black ink on white paper so I can scan in the ones I like and do whatever sizes I need for the current work.

Since things look different once they're on paper, I did 5 of the ones I'm most likely to use.  If not for this project, for creating fabric I like for other projects.  Of these 5 possibilities, I like #11 the best.

I particularly like the broken line giving a circle in the middle of the spinning spiral.  There's lots of movement, but also the calm center.  I love the overall effect.  Next up, doing it in colors to see what happens to all that motion.

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