Monday, October 21, 2019

Ocean Shores vacation to refresh my soul

One of my theories about people is that we each connect to the universe spiritually through different landscapes.  I'm a water girl; moving water is better than still but I'll take a lake if there's no ocean shore or babbling brook.  I suspect this connection explains the popularity of landscapes for art but that's a whole other discussion about art & emotion.

Being a water person, I like to vacation at the beach.  Just standing on the sand, breathing in the sea air, watching the waves, evokes a calm that nurtures and refreshes.  So here we are, at Ocean Shores for the week, having left the cats and the house in good hands.  The view from our 3rd floor balcony is the golf course in the foreground with hotels and the ocean in the background.  So even when it's windy and rainy, which it has been pretty much since we got here Friday, we have an interesting view and opening the door slightly gives me all the sea air I could want. 

View of storm coming in on Friday
 Saturday we ventured down to the shore in the car during a break in the rain.  There are no islands off shore as there are off the coast of Bellingham.  The next land out there is Japan, I believe.  So there's a lovely vastness that I find both soothing and invigorating.  Tensions evaporate.

Sunbreak during the shore visit
Alas we only got a few minutes of sunniness.  We were not the only ones at the shore, and others were braver than we and went out into the windiness to walk along the beach.  I got out to take the above picture and had to chase down my birding cap as the wind was strong enough to rip it off my head and send it scudding along the sand.

gulls huddling on the windy beach

So I quickly got back in the car and we cracked the leeward window so I could smell the ocean.  Watching the gulls is always fun and we enjoyed seeing them deal with the wind as they moved about the beach when cars came by.

Sunday was less rainy so we got to watch mallards, geese and a ginormous quantity of gulls on the golf course.  They were playing in the myriad puddles but all took off when a coyote came wandering along.  It took us  long enough to identify it as a coyote rather than a dog, or even a deer which are plentiful in the neighborhood, that I failed to grab my camera in time to catch it.  We have days yet so I have hopes he'll wander by again.

geese grazing
And last but not least in the amusing photos so far is this sign glued to the sliding glass door. 

So glad this is here because being mugged by gulls every time we opened the door would not add to our enjoyment.

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