Thursday, June 11, 2020

Selfcare: Literally stopping to smell the roses

As my stress level has risen, I've been prioritizing self care.  And today, that inspired me to go for my morning walk in the Cornwall Rose Garden where I did indeed stop and smell the roses. 

The most fragrant was this luscious deep red rose that was the first I came to after entering the garden.

Next up was this  peach & yellow rose with a delicate light fragrance.  

After three or four with no fragrance at all, I came to this lovely purplish red rose with an intermediate fragrance.  Almost enough to cause me to look for the 3 bears.

At this point, I decided the camera was interfering with the experience so I continued my walking and sniffing but no more photos.  I hope you are all taking care of yourselves as we cope with these very interesting times.

Friday, June 5, 2020

Studio help from inhouse 3D printer pro

I've maxed out on stress the last couple of weeks so I'm spending lots of time reading and finishing up the reorg of my studio space.  The last little bit is labeling all the rearranged elfa drawers that contain my fabrics and art supplies.  Now, elfa makes an acceptable label holder that fastens onto the drawer fronts but I really wanted a larger one without the not quite transparent plastic over the label.  So I turned to James, the inhouse 3D printer meister to see if this was feasible.  Why, yes, of course, he says.  And voila, a larger label holder appears. 

Elfa label holder on the right, prototype on the left.  And below the production run for 42 label holders on the printer.  This is exciting, I get to finally be able to read the labels on my drawers without bending over and squinting. 

Once I've put them on and used them for a bit, I'll probably add them to my etsy store for those other elfa users who want bigger labels.