Sunday, September 20, 2015

Amazing art show ending soon at Seattle Asian Art Museum

If you have not yet seen the Chiho Aoshima show at the Seattle Asian Art Museum, go!  Must see!
Fabulous art and amazing large scale animation thru the end of the month.

And this lifted from the SAM newsletter (as is the photo above):

FRI SEP 25, 5:30–9 PM
Don’t miss the chance to see Chiho Aoshima: Rebirth of the World one last time before it closes with an evening of conversation, refreshments, and more. Getty curator Frances Terpak shares visions of the past in early Chinese photo albums, while Japanese pop culture expert Sharalyn Orbaugh talks about Aoshima's futuristic visions and gender in Superflat Japan.

I'll be out of town taking a Karuna Reiki class so I will miss the Friday evening event but really, this was an amazing exhibit and I will likely go see it again before it ends Oct 4.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

October Fiber Art show in Redmond

I'm pleased to be one of the featured artists with this show and regret that I will be unable to attend the opening reception but I hope you will if you are in the neighborhood.   I will be at the Oct 11 meet the artist event so if you have questions about how I do what I do,  come and chat.