Monday, November 3, 2014

Tuesday at Park Place Books hear authors/illustrators behind the scenes stories

Do you remember a book from your childhood vividly?  What book first caught your imagination?  For my generation, it was Dr. Seuss, especially The Lorax.  And Where the Wild Things Are.  Want to know what several local authors of children's illustrated books are publishing soon?  Join us at Park Place Books (348 Parkplace Center)  in Kirkland on Tuesday, Nov 4, at 7pm to hear these authors each give a 3 minute behind the scenes talk about their upcoming book.

The following authors and illustrators will present their new books:

Brianna Caplan Sayres, Carly Anne West, Dan Richards, Dana Sullivan, Dori Hillestad Butler, Justina Chen, Kevin Emerson, Laurie Ann Thompson, Lin Kaymer, Lois Brandt, Loralee Leavitt, Lorie Ann Grover, Nina Laden, Randall Platt, Royce Buckingham, Stacey Campbell, Suzanne Selfors, Tom Brenner and Toni Yuly

Disclaimer:  I am taking a class from Dana Sullivan right now.  And I am very happy with it and pleased to publicize this talk.  And use the picture of his latest book in this blog post.  You'll have to come to the talk to hear the story behind the book which is heartwarming and inspiring.