Friday, December 11, 2009

December baking and (gluten-free) buckwheat

Between Thanksgiving travel, and my fiber arts program, I have had little time to blog lately. As I gear up to do my seasonal baking, now that my class has finished, I thought I'd share a link to a grist article about buckwheat, an old grain being rediscovered as lots of people go gluten free.

Here's the buckwheat article.

I have hopes of posting photos from the fiber arts program this weekend. Picture me crossing my fingers....

1 comment:

Johnni Schell said...

I too am going gluten free - or trying to!! Discovered this Christmas that most cookie recipes work just fine when you substitute oat flour for the wheat flour. Oat flour easily made by putting whole grain oats in food processor for several minutes. Adds a nutty flavor too!